You arrive at your company’s annual holiday party and you’re immediately bombarded by noise. You can feel the beat of the music, the thrum of shouted conversations, and the clattering of glasses. It makes you miserable. You can’t hear a thing in this loud setting. The punch lines of jokes are getting lost, you can’t […]
There are other symptoms of a cold that are less common than the widely recognized runny nose. Occasionally, a cold can go into one or both ears, but you rarely hear about those. While you may generally think of colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom should never be disregarded. What does a […]
After months (possibly even years) of waiting, you’ve finally decided to contact us to see if you should get hearing aids. Like many other people, you’ve been resisting this. But the inconvenience, the lost moments, the missing interactions, they all finally became too hard to ignore. So when you do finally come in and then […]
Believe it or not, it’s been more than 10 years since most people have had a hearing test. Harper is one of them. She goes to see her doctor for her yearly medical test and has her teeth cleaned every six months. She even knows to get her timing belt changed every 6000 miles! But […]
If you have a partner with neglected hearing loss, you realize that getting their attention can be… a problem. Their name is the first thing you try saying. You say “Greg”, but you get no response because you used an inside volume level. You try increasing your volume and saying Greg’s name again but he […]
Most people are aware of the common causes of hearing loss, but certain chemicals can also lead to hearing loss which can be surprising. Groups that are at risk include automotive workers, plastics, textiles, metal fabrication, and petroleum. You can safeguard your quality of life by being aware of what these chemicals are and what […]
Aiden enjoys music. While he’s out jogging, he’s listening to Pandora, while working it’s Spotify, and he has a playlist for all his activities: cardio, cooking, video games, you name it. Everything in his life has a soundtrack and it’s playing on his headphones. But the exact thing that Aiden enjoys, the loud, immersive music, […]
You first hear the sound when you’re in bed trying to sleep: a beating or maybe a throbbing, possibly a whooshing, right in your ear. The sound is beating at the same rhythm as your heartbeat. And regardless of how hard you try, you can’t tune it out. It keeps you awake, which is not […]
Because you’re so hip, you rocked out in the front row for the whole rock concert last night. It’s enjoyable, though it’s not good for your ears which will be ringing when you get up in the morning. (That part’s less enjoyable.) But what if you wake up and can only hear out of one […]
Congrats! Modern hearing aids are an amazing piece of technology, and you’ve just become the proud owner of a shiny new pair. But, as with any new device, there are things that hearing aid owners wish someone had told them. Let’s assess how a new hearing aid owner can eliminate the 9 most common hearing […]