Your last family dinner was frustrating. Not because of any intra-family episode (though there’s always a little bit of that). No, the source of the frustration was simple: it was loud, and you couldn’t hear anything. So you didn’t get the chance to ask about Dave’s new cat or Sally’s new job. It was frustrating. […]
You finally got your new hearing aids. You’re so excited to be able to dive into your social life again. No more missed transitions or confused conversations. But your hearing aids just don’t sound quite right. The reason for this is that it will normally take some time before you get used to your new […]
You enjoy swimming and are all about being in the water. The pool is like your second home (when you were a kid, everyone said you were part fish–that’s how often you wanted to go swimming). The water seems a bit…louder… than normal today. And then you realize your oversight: you went in the pool […]
Your sense of hearing is essential in your life and when you lose it, there will be no natural way of getting it back. But somehow, hearing loss frequently goes untreated and uncontrolled in the general population. In the US alone, one in eight individuals over the age of 12 suffer from untreated and irreversible […]
When you imagine hearing aids, intimacy most likely isn’t the first thing you consider. We get it. These little devices are usually advertised in very concrete terms. Love, conversely, is something better suited for music, poetry, and art. And yet, the two are closely connected to the point where you may want to begin thinking […]
It’s frequently said that hearing loss is a gradual process. It can be quite insidious for this very reason. Your hearing doesn’t get worse in giant leaps but rather in little steps. And that can make the gradual decline in your ears hard to track, especially if you aren’t looking for it. For this reason, […]
Pain is your body’s means of delivering information. It’s not a very fun method but it can be effective. When your ears start to feel the pain of a really loud megaphone next to you, you know damage is taking place and you can take steps to move further away or at least cover your […]
If you cut your arm, it heals. Before too long, your stubbed toe will feel better. Even a broken bone will mend if properly set. But if hearing is damaged what happens. Does the inner ear heal itself? Will your hearing come back? Can homeopathic remedies enable that healing? What is homeopathic medicine’s approach? The […]
Hearing loss is usually considered an older person’s problem – as a matter of fact, it’s estimated that almost 50% of individuals aged 75 and older copes with some form of hearing loss. But in spite of the fact that in younger individuals it’s entirely preventable, research shows that they too are at risk of […]
Who doesn’t love finding a good bargain? But when it comes to your health, be careful what you purchase and keep your eye on the little details. The names “hearing aid” and “hearing amplifier” might seem similar but they are actually completely different devices. And making the wrong selection could have important implications for your […]