Remember way back when we used to call audiobooks “books on tape”? Nowadays we have digital streaming services and the term “audiobooks” has become the common term. Audiobooks allow you to enjoy literature while on the go without needing to sit down and actually read. Audiobooks: a modern approach to reading An audiobook allows you […]
Many people have powerful recollections of a cherished family pet. Cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, and a wide array of other animals can enhance our lives, and even, in some cases, become close companions. Quality of life and symptom management for individuals who have hearing loss can also be improved by having a pet friend. In […]
Hearing is an essential part of a professional musician’s livelihood and craft, not simply a mere sense. Surprisingly, many musicians still perform under the belief that hearing loss is an inescapable element of their profession. This mindset, which regards hearing damage as an inevitable consequence of the job, is both antiquated and unhealthy. Luckily, this […]
Online shopping is a typical thing for the majority of individuals nowadays. The Internet offers a wide array of products, from household goods to technology and even hearing aids. Purchasing hearing aids online might, at first, seem like a great idea because of the reduced price tag and because you don’t need to go to […]
Earplugs can often be a simple and effective way to fall asleep at night if you are being kept awake by disruptive noises. Noises that may be preventing your ability to get a good night’s rest can be reduced or entirely blocked out by wearing a pair of earplugs at night. Getting a restful night’s […]
We can expect some particular health changes as our loved ones get older. One of the most common issues they may encounter is hearing loss. As reported by the National Institutes of Health, around one in three individuals between the ages of 65 and 74 experience some level of hearing loss. And for people who […]
Most individuals think that as they age hearing loss will be unavoidable. In truth, damage from repeated exposure to loud noise is also a leading factor. Permanent hearing loss builds up with each exposure to noises like lawnmowers, overly loud earbuds, and concerts. Preventable hearing loss is not confined to adults either, we’re seeing more […]
It’s really common for individuals to experience tinnitus. Something like 20 million people regularly cope with chronic tinnitus so intense that it becomes burdensome. And there are also more prevalent presentations of tinnitus which are much more mild and sporadic and are also easier to deal with. Tinnitus occurs when you hear a phantom noise, […]
Even mild hearing loss can considerably impact everyday life, influencing relationships with friends, family, and colleagues, as well as complicating regular tasks like grocery shopping. But transformative changes can be established by the use of correctly tuned hearing aids. Top ten reasons to get hearing aids While the primary advantage of hearing aids is obvious, […]
The underlying basis of noise-related hearing loss may seem well-understood. After all, the name itself indicates a fairly straightforward cause-and-effect relationship. Our basic understanding is that irreversible hearing damage is a result of exposure to overly loud sound over a long period of time. Though we’ve known this for some time now, we haven’t completely […]